Celebrating Indigenous History Month: Honouring Indigenous Women Environmental Guardians

Celebrating Indigenous History Month: Honouring Indigenous Women Environmental Guardians

Celebrating Indigenous History Month: Honouring Indigenous Women Environmental Guardians

At Blunt Botanicals, we believe in celebrating diversity, honouring heritage, and supporting the powerful women who drive change and inspire us all. This Indigenous History Month, we want to highlight the incredible contributions, resilience, and strength of Indigenous women, particularly their pivotal role in environmental stewardship in Canada. Their stories, wisdom, and leadership are integral to our collective history and future, particularly in the fight to protect our planet.

Guardians of the Land

For generations, Indigenous women have served as the protectors of the land, water, and natural resources. Their deep-rooted knowledge and connection to the environment have been crucial in preserving ecosystems and promoting sustainable practices. This connection is not just a tradition but a vital practice that benefits all of us.

Notable Indigenous Women Environmental Guardians

  1. Eriel Deranger (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation): As a prominent environmental activist, Eriel Deranger has been at the forefront of the fight against the environmental impacts of tar sands development in Alberta. She is a co-founder of Indigenous Climate Action, an organization dedicated to empowering Indigenous communities to lead climate justice efforts.

  2. Melina Laboucan-Massimo (Lubicon Cree): An advocate for renewable energy and environmental justice, Melina Laboucan-Massimo founded Sacred Earth Solar to promote solar energy in Indigenous communities. Her work aims to create sustainable, community-led energy solutions and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

  3. Autumn Peltier (Wiikwemkoong First Nation): A young water activist, Autumn Peltier has become an international voice for clean water and Indigenous water rights. She has addressed the United Nations and continues to advocate for the protection of water sources in Canada and beyond.

The Role of Indigenous Women in Environmental Stewardship

Indigenous women have always been at the forefront of environmental protection efforts. Their traditional knowledge and deep connection to the land are invaluable in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. From advocating against harmful industrial practices to promoting sustainable living, Indigenous women’s efforts have had profound impacts on environmental policies and conservation practices in Canada.

Success Stories of Environmental Preservation

  1. Heiltsuk Nation and the Great Bear Rainforest: The women of the Heiltsuk Nation played a critical role in the landmark protection agreement for the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia. This agreement preserves one of the largest tracts of temperate rainforest in the world and ensures sustainable development practices that honour traditional knowledge.

  2. Grassy Narrows Women’s Movement: In Grassy Narrows, Ontario, Indigenous women have led the fight against mercury poisoning caused by industrial pollution. Their relentless advocacy has brought international attention to the issue and pressured the government to commit to cleanup and compensation efforts.

  3. Indigenous Water Protectors: Across Canada, Indigenous women have led numerous movements to protect water sources from contamination and over-extraction. From standing against pipeline developments to promoting water sovereignty, these women have been instrumental in safeguarding vital water resources for future generations.

How Blunt Botanicals Supports Indigenous Women and Environmental Efforts

At Blunt Botanicals, we are committed to supporting Indigenous communities and women through our business practices and community engagement. We source ingredients ethically, respect traditional knowledge, and strive to create products that honour the earth and its resources. Our mission aligns with the values of sustainability, respect, and empowerment that Indigenous women embody.

Ways to Support Indigenous Women Environmental Guardians

  1. Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the history, culture, and current issues facing Indigenous women environmental guardians. Share this knowledge with your community to raise awareness and foster understanding.

  2. Support Indigenous Environmental Organizations: Contribute to or volunteer with organizations led by Indigenous women that focus on environmental protection and sustainability.

  3. Advocate for Environmental Justice: Support policies and initiatives that protect Indigenous land and water rights. Use your voice to advocate for sustainable practices and environmental justice.

  4. Support Indigenous Businesses: Purchase products from Indigenous-owned businesses and artisans. This supports economic empowerment and preserves cultural practices.


As we celebrate Indigenous History Month, let us recognize and honour the incredible Indigenous women who have been at the forefront of environmental stewardship in Canada. Their strength, resilience, and wisdom are invaluable, and their contributions are a testament to the power of women in protecting and preserving our planet. At Blunt Botanicals, we stand in solidarity with Indigenous women and are committed to supporting their efforts to safeguard the environment for future generations.

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